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Node Js

In the modern world, seamless, real-time communication has become a necessity. Video calling, a crucial aspect of this, empowers us to connect effortlessly with individuals worldwide. WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a potent technology that facilitates real-time communication directly within web browsers.

Abidhusain Chidi
Co-Founder and CEO
Web Design

In today’s digital landscape, a business’s online presence can make or break its success. A well-crafted website is no longer just an option; it’s a necessity. For startups and small enterprises, a strong online identity is paramount, serving as their primary point of interaction with potential customers.

#Smallenterprise #startup #webdesign #webdevelopment 
Mohsinali Chidi
Co-Founder & COO

In the dynamic world of web development, frontend frameworks play a pivotal role in crafting modern and interactive user interfaces. These frameworks have revolutionized the way developers build web applications by offering powerful tools, reusable components, and enhanced performance.

#angularjs #frontend #reactjs #vuejs 
Abidhusain Chidi
Co-Founder and CEO
Web Development

In today’s dynamic web environment, real-time web applications have become indispensable, offering users instant interactions and seamless data updates. This blog delves into the depths of WebSockets and Server-Sent Events (SSE), uncovering their functionalities, implementation, and performance comparisons.

#Serversentevent #webapplication #Websocket 
Mohsinali Chidi
Co-Founder & COO

In the world of web development, creating a visually appealing website is no longer enough. User Experience (UX) has become a critical aspect of web design, focusing on enhancing user satisfaction, engagement, and overall usability.

#ux #webapplication 
Abidhusain Chidi
Co-Founder and CEO

UI/UX design has become an integral part of website development, and it plays a crucial role in creating an engaging and user-friendly website. In today’s digital age, businesses understand the importance of having a visually appealing and intuitive website that can provide a seamless user experience.

#frontend #ui #ux 
Mohsinali Chidi
Co-Founder & COO