
Why Laravel is the Go-To Framework for Modern Web Applications

Last Updated: Mon, 30.09.2024
Abidhusain Chidi
Founder and CEO
Why Laravel is the Go-To Framework for Modern Web Applications


Laravel has become a top choice for developers building modern web applications, and for good reason. It combines a powerful feature set with an elegant syntax, making it ideal for projects of any size. Below, we explore why Laravel is the go-to framework, backed by examples and practical insights.

1. Elegant Syntax and Developer Experience

A. Readable Code

Laravel Syntax:

  • Laravel’s syntax is praised for its intuitiveness and expressiveness. This means that the code is easy to understand and follow, even for those new to the framework.

The code example provided demonstrates how routes are defined in Laravel. A route in Laravel defines the URL paths to which a web application will respond. The syntax used here is clear and concise:

Route::get('/home', [HomeController::class, 'index']);
  • In this example, the Route::get method defines a GET route for the /home URL. When a user visits this URL, the index method of the HomeController class is executed.
  • The simplicity of this code reduces the learning curve for new developers. It’s easy to read and understand, which is crucial when multiple developers are working on the same project. This readability also aids in maintaining the codebase over time, as it’s easier to spot errors and make updates.

B. Blade Templating Engine

Dynamic and Reusable Views:

The Laravel Blade templating engine is a powerful tool that allows developers to create dynamic and reusable views. A “view” in Laravel refers to the HTML pages that users see when they visit your website. Blade helps in managing these views efficiently.

Example Explained:

The example provided shows how Blade can be used to create a base layout and then extend it to other parts of the application.

Base Layout (app.blade.php):

<!-- resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>App Name - @yield('title')</title>
  • In this file, a base HTML structure is defined. The @yield(‘title’) and @yield(‘content’) directives are placeholders where content will be injected by other views that extend this layout.
  • @yield(‘title’) will be replaced by the page title, and @yield(‘content’) will be replaced by the main content of the page.

Extended Layout (home.blade.php):

<!-- resources/views/home.blade.php -->

@section('title', 'Home')

    <h1>Welcome to Home Page</h1>
  • This file extends the base layout using the @extends directive.
  • The @section(‘title’, ‘Home’) directive sets the page title to “Home,” which replaces the @yield(‘title’) in the base layout.
  • The @section(‘content’) directive fills the @yield(‘content’) section in the base layout with the HTML content provided here (<h1>Welcome to Home Page</h1>).


  • Reusability: The Blade templating engine promotes the reuse of code. You can define a base layout and reuse it across multiple pages, which is efficient and reduces redundancy.
  • Maintainability: By separating the layout from the content, Blade makes it easier to manage and update the structure of your application. If you need to make a global change (like updating the site’s header), you can do it in one place rather than updating multiple files.
  • Performance: Blade compiles templates into plain PHP, which means there is no performance overhead when rendering views.

2. MVC Architecture

A. MVC (Model-View-Controller)

 A design pattern used in software development. It divides an application into three interconnected components:

  • Model: Represents the data and the business logic of the application. It interacts with the database and manages the data-related logic.
  • View: Represents the user interface. It displays the data provided by the Model to the user and sends user commands to the Controller.
  • Controller: Acts as an intermediary between Model and View. It processes incoming requests, manipulates data using the Model, and sends the data to the View for presentation.

B. Separation of Concerns

Separation of Concerns means that each component of the MVC pattern has a distinct responsibility. This separation ensures that changes in one component (e.g., the user interface) do not require changes in another (e.g., the data logic), making the application easier to maintain and extend

C. Simplifying Development, Testing, and Maintenance

By separating the responsibilities:

  • Development becomes more organized: Developers can work on the View, Controller, and Model independently, without stepping on each other’s toes.
  • Testing is easier: Each component can be tested in isolation. For example, you can test the Controller logic without worrying about the database or the user interface.
  • Maintenance is simplified: If you need to update the business logic or change how data is presented, you can do so without affecting other parts of the application.

D. Example: BlogController Handling a Blog Post

Controller Example:

// BlogController.php
class BlogController extends Controller
    public function show($id)
        $post = Post::find($id); // Fetches a blog post from the database using the Model
        return view('', ['post' => $post]); // Passes the data to the View

Explanation of the Example:

  • Controller (BlogController): The show method is responsible for handling a request to display a specific blog post.
  • Model (Post::find($id)): The find method interacts with the database to retrieve the blog post with the specified ID. The Post model represents the table in the database where blog posts are stored.
  • View (view(‘blog. show’, [‘post’ => $post])): After retrieving the data, the Controller passes it to the View, specifically to the blog. show view file. This view file is responsible for displaying the post to the user.

Key Points:

  • Separation of Logic: The Controller handles the request and business logic (fetching the post), while the View handles the presentation of that data. The Model deals with data retrieval and manipulation.
  • Maintainability: If you later need to change how a blog post is retrieved (e.g., adding caching or fetching related posts), you can update the Model or Controller without affecting the View.
  • Testability: You can independently test the Controller’s logic (e.g., ensuring the correct data is passed to the View) and the Model’s data retrieval logic without needing to render the View.

E. Overall Benefits

  • Organized Codebase: The MVC pattern keeps your codebase organized by separating responsibilities.
  • Scalability: As your application grows, the clear division of tasks across Models, Views, and Controllers makes it easier to manage and scale.
  • Reusability: Logic in the Controller or Model can be reused in other parts of the application without duplication.

This detailed explanation clarifies how Laravel’s MVC architecture aids in building well-structured, maintainable, and testable applications by cleanly separating the different aspects of an application’s functionality.

3. Built-in Authentication and Authorization

A. Secure User Management with Laravel’s Authentication System

Command for Setup (php artisan make: auth):

  • Laravel simplifies the process of setting up authentication with a single Artisan command: php artisan make: auth.
  • When this command is run, Laravel automatically generates the necessary files and routes for user authentication. This includes login, registration, password reset, and email verification views, as well as the corresponding controllers and routes.
  • The command also sets up middleware for protecting routes, so you can easily control access to parts of your application. For example, you can ensure that only authenticated users can access certain pages.


  • Although the default setup provided by php artisan make: auth is comprehensive, Laravel allows for extensive customization.
  • You can modify the generated views to match the design of your application or add additional fields to the registration form.
  • Laravel also supports adding roles and permissions, enabling you to control user access to different sections of your application. For instance, you might want to allow only administrators to access certain dashboards or manage other users.

B. Customizable Authorization with Gates and Policies


  • Gates are a way of authorizing actions that users can perform on specific resources.
  • In Laravel, gates are defined within the AuthServiceProvider class. They determine whether a given user can perform a specific action on a resource.


The provided example defines a gate called update-post. This gate checks if the user who is attempting to update a post is the owner of that post:

Gate::define('update-post', function ($user, $post) {
    return $user->id === $post->user_id;

This logic ensures that only the user who created the post (based on the user ID) can update it. This is a simple yet powerful way to enforce access control in your application.

Using Gates in Controllers:

Once a gate is defined, it can be used in controllers to authorize actions:

if (Gate::allows('update-post', $post)) {
    // The current user can update the post
  • The Gate::allows method checks if the current user is authorized to perform the update-post action on the given post. If the user is allowed, the code inside the block will execute, allowing the update to proceed.
  • If the user is not authorized, you can handle this by showing an error message or redirecting the user to another page.


  • Authentication Setup: Laravel’s php artisan make: auth command provides a quick and complete setup for user authentication, including all the necessary routes, controllers, and views.
  • Customizability: The generated authentication system can be customized to fit your application’s specific needs, such as adding roles and permissions.
  • Authorization with Gates: Gates provides a simple way to define and enforce authorization logic, ensuring that users can only perform actions they are authorized to do. This is particularly useful for protecting resources like posts, ensuring that only the rightful owner can make changes.

Laravel’s built-in authentication and authorization systems are powerful, flexible, and easy to use, making it an ideal choice for applications where user management and security are crucial.

4. Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)

Simplified Database Interactions:

 Eloquent ORM makes database interactions simple and intuitive. For instance, retrieving and updating a record is straightforward:

$user = User::find(1);
$user->email = '';

This clean syntax makes it easy to manage data without writing complex SQL queries.

Relationships Handling:

 Eloquent’s relationship methods allow you to define relationships between different database tables. For example, defining a one-to-many relationship between users and posts:

// User.php model
public function posts()
    return $this->hasMany(Post::class);

// Accessing the posts of a user
$userPosts = User::find(1)->posts;

This makes working with related data a breeze.

5. Artisan Command-Line Tool

Automated Tasks:

Laravel’s Artisan CLI helps automate repetitive tasks, such as creating controllers, and models, and running migrations. For example, to create a new controller

php artisan make:controller BlogController

This command creates a new controller file with boilerplate code, saving time and reducing errors.

Custom Commands:

You can also create custom Artisan commands to automate unique tasks in your project. For example, you might create a command to clean up outdated records:

// In the console kernel
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)

6. Robust Security Features

Protection Against Common Vulnerabilities:

Laravel includes security features to protect against common web vulnerabilities like SQL injection, XSS, and CSRF. For instance, CSRF protection is automatically enabled for all POST requests by including a token in forms:

<form method="POST" action="/profile">
    <!-- Form fields -->

This ensures that malicious actors cannot perform actions on behalf of users without their consent.

Password Hashing:

 Laravel uses the bcrypt algorithm to hash passwords before storing them, adding an extra layer of security:

$user->password = bcrypt('newpassword');

7. Comprehensive Ecosystem

  • Laravel Forge and Envoyer: Laravel Forge simplifies server management and deployment, allowing you to launch applications quickly. For example, you can set up a new server and deploy your application with a few clicks.
  • Laravel Horizon: If your application uses queues, Horizon offers a beautiful dashboard for monitoring and managing jobs. This is particularly useful in large applications where background job processing is critical.
  • Laravel Nova: Nova is an administration panel that allows you to manage your database with an intuitive interface. For instance, you can create, read, update, and delete records directly from the Nova dashboard, making it easier to manage your application’s data.

8. Extensive Community Support and Documentation

  • Vibrant Community: Laravel’s large and active community means that you can find solutions to almost any problem. Support is always available whether it’s on forums, Stack Overflow, or through official channels.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Laravel’s documentation is known for its clarity and thoroughness. Every feature is well-documented, often with examples, making it easier for developers to learn and implement.

9. Unit Testing

Test-Driven Development (TDD):

 Laravel is built with testing in mind. You can write unit tests using PHPUnit, and Laravel makes it easy to test your code. For example, testing a route can be done with a simple test case:

public function testHomePage()
    $response = $this->get('/');

Automated Testing:

Laravel’s testing tools also allow for the automation of testing processes, ensuring that your application remains robust as it grows.

10. Scalability and Performance

Efficient Caching:

Laravel supports various caching systems like Memcached and Redis. For instance, caching a database query result is as simple as:

$posts = Cache::remember('posts', 60, function () {
    return Post::all();

This improves performance by reducing the number of queries in the database.

Queue Management:

Laravel’s queue system efficiently processes time-consuming tasks, such as sending emails or processing uploads. This ensures that your application remains responsive under heavy load.


Laravel has established itself as a top-tier framework for modern web applications due to its elegant syntax, robust features, and supportive community. Whether you’re building a small project or a large-scale enterprise application, Laravel provides the tools and flexibility needed to deliver high-quality, secure, and scalable solutions. By choosing Laravel, you’re opting for a framework that grows with your needs, backed by a vibrant ecosystem and continuous improvements.

Abidhusain Chidi, CEO and Founder of QalbIT Infotech Pvt Ltd, wearing a white shirt and glasses, facing forward with a confident and focused expression.
Abidhusain Chidi

Abidhusain Chidi, a visionary leader in software development, is the CEO and Founder of <a href="">QalbIT Infotech Pvt Ltd</a>. With over a decade of expertise in web, mobile app development, and cloud-based solutions, Abidhusain has empowered startups and businesses to achieve digital excellence. His experience and commitment to cutting-edge technologies like SaaS, PaaS, and BaaS allow him to deliver innovative and scalable solutions tailored to the evolving needs of his clients.


Frequently asked questions

chevron down Why should I choose Laravel for my next web project?

Laravel is a powerful PHP framework that offers robust features like built-in authentication, routing, and database management. Its intuitive syntax and extensive libraries make it ideal for developing scalable, secure, and high-performance web applications.

chevron down How does Laravel improve the speed of web application development?

Laravel accelerates development with features like Eloquent ORM, Blade templating engine, and Artisan CLI. These tools automate common tasks, reduce coding time, and streamline processes, helping developers deliver projects faster and more efficiently.

chevron down Can Laravel help in building secure web applications?

Yes, Laravel includes built-in security features such as CSRF protection, encryption, and secure password hashing. These features ensure that your web applications are protected against common security threats, providing peace of mind for both developers and users.