About the Client

A Belgium based startUp looking for a solution to human resource. Wants to make HR operations easy and smooth for the recruitment.
Bloomford puts its shoulders to thriving companies in their search for the perfect colleague through executive search. They screen, select and recruit diverse profiles: from CEOs, over sales managers, to office assistants. Employees who seamlessly match your company DNA are the key to success.
Unlike traditional recruitment and selection, Bloomford focuses its executive search on passive job seekers. We reach employees with the right skill set, even before they enter the labor market.
Bloomford is located in bustling Antwerp, but thanks to its innovative approach it supports motivated candidates and companies in both Flanders and Brussels.

Scope of work
HR Management Employer Management Candidate Management

The Challenge

This is a very huge product, where Company can interact with candidates and set interviews for suitable ones

We received some sketch files of Adobe XD with the project and Our job was to create a complete product using PHP as backend and Vue framework for the frontend to improve the look and feel for end users.

We integrated the Text Kernel library for Resume/CV parsing. We also integrated an online video interview including the feature of retake uploading candidate overviews. Once the admin adds a candidate then he/she can modify the candidate information and can able to print branded Resume/CV with a single click. On the Company side, users can see all shortlisted candidates by admin user and also set the Interview Time slot or reject the candidates. These all will be notified to the admin via emails.

We have to create the whole UI part in Vue Js so users can easily interact with the system like a charm. The whole Backend part will be powered by the PHP framework.


First, We discussed the project requirement that our client wants us to integrate. Also, collect all Adobe XD files for products. Then we created the HTML/CSS layout of all web pages. And then convert it to PHP and VueJS with some advanced logic. We implemented APIs to provide a bridge of communication between the Frontend and the backend. We have stored user data in the Mysql database with some layer of encryption.

We have implemented Text Kernel library for Parsing Resume/CV of Candidates.

To create UI more user-friendly we have used bootstrap and media query to make it responsive for all popular mobile devices and web browsers.

Bloomford UI image

When working on the project we focused on using the most recent technology pieces.

When working on a project first and foremost thing is, to use the most latest and reliable technologies available, so when working with Bloomford we made sure to use the most promising technologies in the market, which will provide our client the security and ease of use for both the client and admin side in their project. The latest technologies used for both Frontend and Backend are listed as follows.

  • PHP
  • API Integration
  • MySQL
  • HTML5
  • Bootstrap
  • JQuery
  • VueJS
Technologies image

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